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Breaktime - Aidan Chambers
I Read this book back in 2009 I was still very much sheltered and hadn't had much exposer to other forms of writing, “heavy” sex scenes, or the like I had come off of finish the twilight saga and before that harry potter (at least in my mind I didn't have a good reads till october that year so the time between summer 08 and summer 09 when twilight ended and when I gained these books is a gray area of reading). So what makes this book such a 3 star read? Well the book reads like this
Mid way though it enters in some points that I know why they were there but it didn't feel complete, then chapter three was a roller coaster of want and passion then an easy ride come chapter 4. The book is 180 pages its short But it doesn't read like it is. Heavy handed wording, switching from third to first person even with in the same paragraph or two mid way though it felt bogged down. That and the fact that despite dittos age this is easily an older audience book even if I can't see Teens or YA wavering though the words to just get to the (compared to most YA books) heavy ,passionate, beautiful sex scene
The ending also kills it making it feel open ended and a “well then what did I read?” moment dropping the star to a three rating.
Rating: 3 of 5 stars  
Breaktime By aiden chambers
I Got the autograph from the person in the photo I remember thinking he was good looking. I remember blushing at the sex scene and not really likening the ending but I liked the book well enough. I remember it just not grabbing me like a five star book does
My views on this book have changed but not by much, Its still very much a three star book I now remember why however(will go into in the Review-lit) I was surprised while reading how sharp my memory was remembering plot points and such, and how even though it was a three star book from four years ago it still felt familiar. As it did in 09 the ending frustrates me while I can't state why with out spoiling it as a reader this is one thing you don't really want to read at the end of a good/okay book.
My thoughts on the rating still remains but my thoughts on the content have changed (will be addressed in my “things I learned from” post)