The graveyard book
So after finishing the graveyard book I had decided to hunt down bod and ask him to write this review so thats what I did so enjoy bods review with side comments from me as well as my rating if I disagree with bod's rating. Also bod is 17-20 by now (all things written by me are in italic)
Characters: Mr . Gaiman actually got our personality spot on with little exaggeration as possible Silas, my guardian, is a vampire while Miss lupescu is a werewolf for some reason Mr. Gaiman didn't find it necessary to state that in this book which is dumb because how many readers will know that otherwise?I wouldn't belive it myself if I hadn't met them myself also miss reviewer lady is it true that you like my name?
Yes ^///^ Nobody owens is a very one of a kind name for any book
I see so yes characters get an A+
Story: It all happened though I think Mr.gaiman stayed to long on one age and not enough on the rest, but I'm happy he got the details down so people can read my story, admittedly it is a children's book and there isn't much detail in anything but for a story like this Mr. gaiman got it right so now I have a group of friends and even a girlfriend, thought I miss the graveyard sometimes but for the sake of miss reviewer lady's readers who may not have read the book I won't go into it
Thanks Bod, um there were some parts that lagged or were probable but this is a children's story so it all panned out and came together in the end
yeah and even when the last page is turned its never really over for me or any story really A+
Cover: its....nice I like the blue but I don't understand about the random grave stone or title B
Rating: um Miss reviewer keeps insisting that its for children but I've seen it labeled as YA in librarys and reviews from older people
Company: Harper collins publishers
My rating : 5 of 5 because it was so accurate and even miss reviewer liked it near the end right?
-nods- yeah I was even close to tears at the end and it was an over all great story other reviewers will be more discriptive about what makes it so great though