So now all the deadly sin's have been shown. If you are familiar with the anime only or only knew this series and its characters from the anime only it will come as a shock when wrath, pride and sloth are revealed. Pride in the anime is king bradley whom isn't pride in the manga for example.
This is why I love this series the humor is still good the characters are amazing, in vol 19 you have one page of back and forth text between roy and hawkeye it seems like a meaningless filler conversation but at this point in the game the reader should know better, turns out to be a code to roy about another one of the deadly sins. In book 20 again a similar thing happens character to character in a chain tell each other the life or death information the other's need to know. The awnser to who “father” and the elrics real father are is also come to light, what and who they are. Even the characterization with greed is fleshed out, he might be on the bad side but he is no villein.
The ending is something else, while I won't spoil it everything about it is perfect the ending and the characters its the end of a era in the book and this series is one that can't be reviewed in all honesty it has to be read or watched but hopefully both
It was a fun crazy ride and I'm happy I stuck with it as I have and now that its over its sobering thats all that can really be said