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My Dead Girlfriend: v. 1

My Dead Girlfriend: Volume 1 "A Tryst of Fate" - Eric Wight

My dead girlfriend


Art: despite being from tokyopop this is not a manga or in manga style the art work is blocky like a mix between Invader zim and danny phantom very cartoony and blocking and thick lined but even so it's clean and unique in comics it has enough cartoony style that it's easy on the eyes. Like a manga this comic is in black and white which just adds to the gothic, grim look of it. A+


Characters: Finney, jenny, and a cast of characters that would turn monster high on it's head. Finney is a Goth boy with a bleak outlook on life but with a last name like bleak and having half your family dead and being bullied who wouldn't have a bleak out look on life? Finney is fresh and new he's sarcastic and funny and finds joy in strange things he is like the “What if danny from danny phantom was goth” and this is your answer. Jenny is a sweet loving girl who makes an instant connection with finney. Finney's classmates and family are also fun and interesting with a family of ghosts and three sisters. His classmates are monsters literally Finney has been dropped in a mix between monster high and a demon school from an anime. The secondary characters are the classic monsters and they fall to the bully stereotype but thats what makes them so fun. A


Story: Finney bleak is your average goth boy in a school full of monsters he has nightmares about death and a bleak outlook on life till he meets jenny but in the family of bleak well happily ever after is all what you make of it. This story is fast past and fun the pages just fly by. This story is for those of us who like darker stories with out the gore like JTHM for younger teens who want twisted and fun but not necessary blood or gore the characters really make this story shine Finney is your stereotypical Goth doesn't see much of a future because were all going to die anyway, gets bullied a lot, and maybe has a death wish that of course he really doesn't want to come true after all. He meets this girl jenny and they really hit it off their relationship is sweet and jenny isn't who you think she is at first. This story is just plan out fun for those of us who are getting sick of the light and fluffy and goody goody here's some noir fluffy for you all. This story is also very funny with lines this is laugh out loud invader zim funny. The story ends on a cliffhanger that sadly won't be out any time soon this story was published in 2006 it's been 5 years and no book two but even for that little nit pick there is nothing wrong with this story at it's core it is similar to danny phantom if danny phantom went goth and were a comic book A+


Cover: Dark, gothic, sexy! We have finney in a graveyard with his pet and possibly death in the background looming over him. This cover sticks out from all the other tokyopop books with light and fluffy covers with bright pastel colors the colors heres are gray, off gray, green gray, black, and purple the cover really screams goth and dark and almost tim Burton A+


Rating: T for teen


Company:Tokyopop (out of business)



My rating : 5 of 5 I loved this story it was fast past and before I knew it it was over! When I was reading Finney's voice sounded like danny from danny phantom I think he looks a lot like a goth danny phantom don't you? My only nitpick is it never finished! We are left hanging forever vol 2 does not exist either because tokyopop knew it was going out of business and never picked it up or something like that. I love this story it's dark and fun and funny and the best part? A POCKY AD IN THE BACK! No other manga/comic has a pocky ad it makes me laugh. Also I guess there were promotional trading cards to this sadly they are probably really rare now. Sorry about the lame review it's not that there is nothing about this to review it's just the story is so straight forward and you can't review it properly with out spoilers and such.